Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rant - Anthony Horowitz

I am currently high on Scorpia Rising, but there will be no spoilers in this (except names).

I will now rant about the awesome that is Anthony Horowitz, and how awesome he is, and more about his awesomeness, and his way to give-us-background-info (aka pad) without making it seem like background info, and lots of other stuff.

I guess I should say I started reading his Alex Rider series in  year 5, and loved it immediately. I still love it now. Scorpia Rising was amazing. I think the characters of Yassen Gregorovich and Julius Grief will have a special place in my heart ^-^ Anyway, back to what I was saying.

AH was one of the first people who influenced my writing style. If I didn't know how to write the next part, I'd try to copy how he wrote it. And I'm still doing that *fails*. He taught me the one-line paragraph, and my habit of adding 'and' to the start of a sentence comes from there too. With dialogue, not so much, I developed my own style on that. Description is a mixture of Harry Potter and LOTR (weirdest mixture ever, which is why my description fails).

Um, let's see. Oh, yes! I also end a lot of my chapters with a single short paragraph (often a one-liner), which he does a lot of the time.

I really admire how he doesn't change scenes! Gahhhh, it's killing me. My scenes change like, once every 500 words, and I tend to want to change POVs an awful lot. AH just keeps writing and improving the scene and making it more interesting, and I have no idea how he does that. Amazing.

Not to mention the amount of research put into it. Just researching how guns work is making my head spin, and I don't have that much time anyway. One minute spent researching is one minute spent on not writing.

Also, I love how he writes villains. Just saying. (I especially especially love the start of Scorpia Rising...Prisoner 7 and Over the Edge are two awesome chapters.)

Sometimes, AH characters are awesome and realistic (read: Yassen), but about the character of Sabina Pleasure. Gahhh. She is just so...pointless. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. Oh right, I was talking about writing styles.

His foreshadowing is awesome, even if I can tell sometimes that it's foreshadowing. The detail he puts into characters, settings, equipment, organisations, everything is so detailed. And I would not want to research how Invisible Sword works, it sounds complicated. (Actually, they all sound complicated, but give Scorpia some credit!)

So yeah, I think this rant has been long enough, and I think you get my general point that Anthony Horowitz is awesome. I can't wait for Yassen and AH's new Sherlock Holmes novel! 8D

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