Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rain [Original fiction]

Title: Rain
Fandom: N/A; Original fiction
Inspired by: Listen to the Rain by Evanescence (it's an amazing song)

She sat by the window, half-watching her reflection in the glass. The small droplets outside continued to rain from the sky, splattering noiselessly onto the pavement. The sky was overcast; the clouds dark and threatening. Lightning crackled in the sky. Then, a few seconds later, there was an explosion of thunder.

She watched, entranced, as the rain hit the ground, and rolled into the gutters. Cars traveling past were barely visible through the curtain. The rain grew heavier, the noise grew louder, and lightning flashed more frequently. The storm was getting closer.

The girl left her position next to the window and opened the door to her house. She took one step outside, then another, then slowly stepped into her front yard. Within seconds, she was drenched--the rain pounded on her head and soaked her clothes. Her wet hair clung to her scalp.

The wind blew. The lightning flashed. The thunder roared. The storm raged.

And the girl smiled up into the sky.

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